Three if not four times I have tried to submit a report re the sighting of an adult Hoopoe and each time Latvijas putni tells me that my message as been sent, but a drop down box says that the message failed, are you having problems with the site or am I missing something? Regards Roger Hazelden.
Dear Sir we are 2 Catalan friends who are ornithologists and would like to enjoy your amazing nature while spotting our targeted species. I also manage a birding company around Catalonia ( Although We do not know if there're some birds on passage/last wintering species but we'd like to focus on a list of breeding species such as: Podiceps auritus, Aquila clanga, Crex crex, Strix uralensis, Strix nebulosa, Glaucidium passerinum, Dendrocopos leucotos, Picus tridactylus, Sylvia nisoria, Ficedula parva, Loxia... and the array of Acrocephalus/Locustella/H. icterina. Is there any chance to spot them all in a 2 days tour. Which ones would be your fees? Thanks! Warm hugs from Catalonia Pere Alzina i Bilbeny Environmental consultant/Nature guide
Grūti pārskatāma lapa, ja neesi ornitoloģijas speciālists. Lapa nemeklē pēc nosaukuma, piemēram, vārnveidīgie, zvirbuļveidīgie utml. Kā, lai noskaidro, ja putnam nezini nosakumu.
Nice site, thanks! What would make it much better would be a link with descriptions of specific sites with directions etc. I'll be there in a couple of weeks and am trying to get an idea of a few bird-rich sites to visit.
This is a message for Gaidis Grandāns - I am Yoav Perlman from Israel. Gaidis is supposed to work for us this autumn in Israel. He must contact me ASAP!!! Thanks.
Roger Hazelden.
we are 2 Catalan friends who are ornithologists and would like to enjoy your amazing nature while spotting our targeted species. I also manage a birding company around Catalonia ( Although We do not know if there're some birds on passage/last wintering species but we'd like to focus on a list of breeding species such as: Podiceps auritus, Aquila clanga, Crex crex, Strix uralensis, Strix nebulosa, Glaucidium passerinum, Dendrocopos leucotos, Picus tridactylus, Sylvia nisoria, Ficedula parva, Loxia... and the array of Acrocephalus/Locustella/H. icterina. Is there any chance to spot them all in a 2 days tour. Which ones would be your fees?
Thanks! Warm hugs from Catalonia
Pere Alzina i Bilbeny
Environmental consultant/Nature guide
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