Owl excursion at Kemeri National Park on 12th of March

The end of winter and the beginning of spring is time when owls start to breed and their vocal activity is the highest. The primal forests of Kemeri National Park provide really good breeding conditions for various owl species. There is about 20 – 30 breeding pairs of Pygmy Owls, 3 – 8 breeding pairs of Boreal Owls and about 2 breeding pairs of Eagle Owls at Kemeri National Park.

White-throated Dipper trip on 19th of February

White-throated Dipper (Cinclus cinclus) is one of the wintering bird species in Latvia and most of them are coming here from Scandinavia and Kola peninsula. Usually the first birds arrive at the end of October and look for suitable wintering places along the swift rivers full of rapids. Latvia`s wintering population is approx. 350 – 500 birds.

White-throated Dipper trip on 19th of February

White-throated Dipper (Cinclus cinclus) is one of the wintering bird species in Latvia and most of them are coming here from Scandinavia and Kola peninsula. Usually the first birds arrive at the end of October and look for suitable wintering places along the swift rivers full of rapids. Latvia`s wintering population is approx. 350 – 500 birds.